
The zone of the not that bad

Occasionally, I am infected the bug of needing to write some fiction. In such situations, there is always the risk of something turning out well enough that I finish it, but not of a high enough quality to deserve being refined and edited any further. Or, maybe they just never turn out good enough to deserve more.

In such situations, these works shall be published here.

2021 March 07Foreshadowing Detective, The~8,000HereHereHere

Writing fanfiction to own the contrarians

The first piece of fiction I wrote outside of compulsory education was an aggressively boring March Comes in like a Lion fanfiction that was written in one sitting, and would only appeal to hardcore fans. So, I suppose I am obligated to also record any further fanfiction here as well.

2020 December 06March Comes In like a LionRegret and Hope in April~6,000Here